Marine biology is the study of life and ecosystems in the oceans and other aquatic habitats. All areas of marine life are studied, from the microscopic species to the largest species that inhabit the oceans as well as all of the ecosystems that help to sustain the life of these species. The study of marine biology also brings in many key concepts and narrower topics that help people to further understand the broad topic of marine biology. These topics include astronomy, biological oceanography, cellular biology, chemistry, ecology, geology, meteorology, molecular biology, physical oceanography and zoology. There are many subfields that can be studied regarding marine biology including microbiology, fisheries and aquaculture, environmental marine biology, deep sea ecology, ichthyology, marine mammology, and marine ethology. All of these fields of marine biology play big roles in helping to improve our understanding of the oceans, animal behavior, animal habitats and some even help improve our technology (sonar). For example, the study of marine microbiology (microorganisms) can help scientists develop new medicines and find cures to diseases. The study of fisheries and aquaculture is important in sustaining our growing need for fish as a food source, this field of study helps to keep biodiversity in the ocean high. The main reason that we study marine biology is to better understand the world that we live in and to understand the life cycles/ways of life of all marine species.
" What is Marine Biology? -". MarineBio Conservation Society, 14 Jan. 2013. Web. Tuesday, April 16, 2013.
I think the study of marine biology is really interesting and helps to improve many things in our everyday lives. Using marine biology to understand more about pollution and global warming and their affects on the ocean, can help us find a solution to the problem. Also, using marine biology to help develop new medicines is a really interesting aspect of the many things that we can use marine biology for, its not just about what lives in the ocean. I really enjoy learning about all of the wildlife that inhabits the ocean and how everything coexists together. Marine biology is interesting in that there are many different subfields in it that all focus on specific aspects of marine biology and each has an influence on our understanding of marine life and potentially the development of new and improved medicines and technology.
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