Monday, May 6, 2013

Planet Earth: Shallow Seas Documentary

In this Planet Earth documentary put out by the discovery channel, it showed many aspects of the ocean world.  Everything from the smallest creatures to the largest were analyzed as well as many of their habitats and lifestyles/life cycles.  The lives of many marine species were followed and recorded doing things that many people would rarely be able to view like the fishing techniques of dolphins, the attacking methods of seals and sharks, and the rare species that many people have never heard of.  It explained how everything in the oceans ecosystems works together to maintain a balance of marine life and why it is important.  It focused on one species for a little bit of time and moved on to the next explaining many of the species characteristics and how it contributes to the ocean world.  For example, one of the species that was viewed was the dolphin, the footage showed the viewer how these mammals go about attacking their food. 

Brownlow, Mark, prod. "Shallow Seas." Planet Earth. Discovery Channel. DSC, Silver Spring, MD, 8 Apr. 2007. Television.

I thought this documentary was very interesting and it kept me interested throughout the whole thing unlike other documentaries I have viewed before. It showed very cool footage of many species and situations we would never get to view in person, unless we were in the right place at exactly the right time which would be really rare.  It also helped to explain how every species depends on another for survival whether it be for food or protection.  I think that it was a very informational documentary that everyone who enjoys animals and marine species would enjoy watching, since you would rarely get to see these animals in the wild doing the things that were shown in this documentary. 

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